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International online competition | Butterfly | September 2024

[Author: WilomanCZ] [Date: 20.07.2024 / 19:44]   [Displayed: 171x] [Edited: 28.08.2024 / 03:30]

Target for competition:
Print target as: Fit (100%)
Sizes 9cm 2x, 7cm 1x, 5cm 2x

obrazekDownload - Target Butterfly - dark center (14x)
obrazekDownload - Target Butterfly - light center (8x)

Competition date:
Competition start: 1.9.2024
Competition ends: 22.9.2024

Registration to the competition:
Registrations to the competition, are only possible for the first 14 days from the start of the current competition.
  • For each of our contests, you must always log in, by commenting on the designated Facebook post.

  • If you have already competed in one of our contests, just write in the comments:
    Your previous ID, I want to compete. (Pattern: ID 2. I want to compete.)

  • If you haven't been to any of our contests yet, write in the comments:
    Name, Team, Country. I want to compete. (Pattern: Name: WilomanCZ Viliam, Team: BO-Y, Country: Czech Republic. I want to compete.)

Facebook - Register in comments

Competition rules:
  • For each of our competitions that we organize, the contestants must sign up via the comments on FB, using the link to register / login.

  • Shoots at 8m to 10m. (Up to your discretion)
    - Everyone competes together (no matter the distance). Distances of 9m and 10m are purely optional for those who cannot shoot at 8m.

  • There will be 10 shots total and only one round.
    - Prepare the exact number of marbles for the competition.
    - In addition to the competition balls, prepare a spare one in case one of the competition balls is lost.

  • Scoring:
    IMPORTANT: Points are determined based on the center of the hit in the target, NOT from its edge.
    • Diameter up to 1cm = 4 points (number 9)
    • Diameter from 2cm to 3cm = 3 points (numbers 8, 7)
    • Diameter from 3cm to 5cm = 2 points (numbers 6, 5, [4])
    • Diameter from 5cm up to 10cm = 1 point (numbers [4], 3, 2, 1)
    • For large targets, 2 points are shifted up to 6cm.
    - Each target in the total target is shot twice.
    - If you hit one target more than 2 times, the extra hits in the given target are not counted and only the two worst hits in the given target are counted.
    - The maximum number of points for one ​​target is 8 points.
    - Maximum points total is 40 points.

  • Target explanations:
    - Numbers from center to left = points for the competition
    - Numbers from center to right (8 to 1) = numbers for "point shootout", draw for referee only

  • Dimensions:
    - Target center = 1cm (number 8)
    - From center to first thin black circle (outer edge) = 3cm (numbers 7, 6)
    - From center to black thicker circle (outer edge) = 5cm (5, 4)
    - Outer large diameter (edge) of target = 8cm (numbers 3, 2, 1)

  • It is shot at a paper target, which has 5 targets:
    - 2x 9cm
    - 1x 7cm
    - 2x 5cm

  • Any ammunition, size from 6mm to 9mm.

  • If some contestants (1st-3rd place) have the same number of points:
    - The final order is determined by who will hit closer to the center of the targets.
    - There will be no shooting unless necessary.

  • Facebook live broadcast here:
    BO-Y Team Online Competitions (Facebook) (7x)

  • Although not directly required (yet), please use the mirror method for broadcasting. Everything is described and explained below.

  • You can use the target both horizontally and vertically.
    - Its orientation doesn't matter. (E.g. tilt at an angle of 45 degrees)
    - But all targets, must be fully visible.

  • Recommended ammunition inside the building: 6mm or 7mm airsoft balls weighing 0.4g and above.

  • Recommended height of the center of the target from the ground 140cm (not mandatory)

Rules - Procedure during the competition:
  • Competition is only via live streaming in the FB group here:
    BO-Y Team Online Contests (Facebook) (7x)

  • In the caption of the video, write your ID and name.
    For example: ID 1, WilomanCZ Viliam

  • IMPORTANT: The shooter will start his live stream at the location from where he will shoot, at that location he will show the slingshot and ammunition to the camera.

  • Then he will walk towards the target, and gradually show after 1m, that distance of 8m - 10m, from start to the target is ok. (Using a pre-placed meter.)
    - If you break this rule, you can get penalty points (up to -10%).

  • Subsequently, the contestant shows a properly completed target (name and ID) and that it is free of hits.
    - If you break this rule, you can get penalty points (-10% to -35%).

  • On the camera, measure the diameter of one or two targets, to verify that everything fits.
    - If you break this rule, you can get penalty points (-10% to -30%).

  • When using a mirror: Place the camera in your place in front of the mirror so that you can see the target and the shooter in the mirror.

  • Then you will go to the place where you will shoot from.
    Without the use of a mirror: With this, you will hold the camera so that the target is still visible in the frame.
    (The target can only get out of shot if you're looking behind you and accidentally duck for a second.)
    - If you break this rule, you can get penalty points (-10% to -30%).

  • Without the use of a mirror: You place the camera so that the shooter can be seen at least partially from behind or from the side and at the same time the whole target and start shooting your 10 shots.
    (The camera can be held by a second person at all times.)

  • After finishing the shooting, the shooter will go with his camera to the target and show it all to the camera, at least for 5 seconds.
    - If you break this rule,you can get penalty points (-10% to -30%).

  • Then you can end the online broadcast.

  • Count your points and write them in the comments of your live stream.
    - The result will either be confirmed by the referees, or adjusted if there are any discrepancies.

  • IMPORTANT: Photo(s) of the whole competition target, then post in the comments of your live stream. Alternatively as a new post with your ID and name.
    - If you does not have a complete photo of the entire target, then in the case of a point shootout, which is done if more people in the first places have the same number of points, it is calculated that you have 0 points in the given shootout.
    - If you break this rule, you can get penalty points (-10% to -20%).

  • Please share your saved live broadcast to the group here: PRAKOSTŘELBA CZ & SK (Facebook) (5x)

  • PS: Please count the points only after the live broadcast is over.
    - In case of ambiguity, the worse variant of the result will always be used.

  • We ask that you do your live broadcasts in such a way that you fit in the time of 6min-7min maximum.

  • If your target breaks or is completely destroyed during the competition, it must be repaired/replaced during the current live broadcast.
    - The competitor can then shoot at a new target, only as many times as there are still shots left.
    - If you ended your current live broadcast, fixed the target off the record, and then started another live broadcast, the 2nd one will not be counted. Everything must be in one video.
    - If your live broadcast ends due to an internet outage before it has had more than 3 shots, it is allowed to make a completely new broadcast, but again from the very beginning.
    But the 3rd attempt is no longer possible in case of another failure.

  • If you violate any of the above rules, you may be awarded penalty points (-10% to -40%).

  • If you break multiple rules in one live stream, all your current points may be deducted (-100%).


Instructions for using the mirror:
  • The "Camera" must be no more than 1m from the target!!!

  • The target must be fully visible on the "camera".

  • The shooter must be fully visible in the mirror from where he will shoot!
    - But it may not be fully visible, when moving away from the target towards the shooting location.

  • The location of both the camera and the mirror in the sketch is only a recommendation.

  • The "camera" and the mirror can also be placed on the right side of the target.

Other use of the mirror than described in the text is not allowed!!!
Outline of the recommended constitution No. 1:
Outline of recommended provision No. 2:

Photos of the real setup:
Table of competitors (6x)
Competition menu (6x)

Contestants must be at least 15 years old.
Persons under the age of 18 are required to notify their parents that they are going to compete and must have their permission.

Each shooter is obliged to secure the competition area in such a way that he cannot harm anyone or cause damage to his property.

#Upraveno   #Online Contest   #Live Broadcast   #Facebook   #BO-Y   #Target Butterfly   #September   #2024   

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